Go to School Prepared With These 5 Items

Another semester has begun, and it's time to carry around bag on your back to walk to class. Here are just five items to take with you to be totally prepared.

Get a 2" binder to put everything in.

Personally, I like blank printer paper to take most of my notes on, especially for a math or science-based class. I'm also using lined paper for my Spanish class. At Texas A&M, we have the library or Copy Corner, where I can go to 3-hole punch my printer paper. If you don't have one, ask around and see if you can borrow one.

Put the dividers between the paper to distinguish between your classes. Get ones with pockets built into them in case you get loose-leaf paper in class.

If you don't use one, get one. I use it for class assignments, organizational meetings, and other events. It's saved me from over-committing or forgetting about homework.


Now, I kind of lied about only having five items, because it really depends on you and your major. I also carry a calculator. Maybe you need a highlighter to take your best notes in class.

Bonus points if you download your textbooks on your laptop or tablet so you don't have to carry them around in your backpack or decipher which ones on take which days.

Good luck, and I hope you have a successful semester!

Have any questions or clarifications? Want to add to my list? Feel free to comment below! ↧

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