What is Minimalism?

Simply put, minimalism is a lifestyle that puts value into everything you own and ridding yourself of the clutter in your life to make room for what's most important - a healthy lifestyle, creating personal relationships, committing to yourself, and following passions. 

Many times, people assume that minimalism is having only 10 items of clothing, living in a tiny house, not having a pet, quitting your job, and white walls. Unfortunately, it's stereotypes like these that prevent people from embracing it and living a happy and fulfilled life. 

You don't have to restrict yourself to 10 items of clothing. Do you wear work pants every day that need washing? Then buy another pair of pants. Do you want 6 kids and 3 dogs? The more the merrier! Do you really want that green velvet couch that perfectly matches the purple walls in the living room? Buy it. Embrace it.

So what exactly do you do? Keep what has a purpose and brings you joy. Have only clothes that you wear often. Stick to one skin care routine. Don't overcommit and run late to one thing after the other. Simplify your kitchen with plates and pans that you use every day. 

Here are a few things that you can expect when you embrace a life of minimalism:
  • More time to focus on what's important like your family or your studies
  • You will be happier and more grateful for what you have
  • Personal relationships will grow
  • You will save money
  • Discover a purpose in your life
  • You will have less stress and anxiety

Are you ready to live more with less?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for inspiring me to get rid of some more clothing. I've find myself wearing the same items of clothing and leaving others for "someday."
