There Is Such Thing as a Minimal College Room

Nowadays, teenagers can go online and find dozens of lists of items "you have to have in college." These usually consist of the multitude of organizational boxes, cute decorations to go on your desk and on your walls and on your bed, multiples of bathroom items, so on and so forth. I'm not going to lie, I fell a little bit into that my first year of college.

My mom and I were excited to start that new chapter in my life, and we had slowly been finding things throughout the summer. As the year grew closer, she took out a cardboard box that contained everything that she wanted to pass down to me for my first place, things that I had really liked so she set aside for me. Some of those things are still in the box even after moving into an apartment because my roommates have been providing them, like pans, or it's more fit for a house-house, like a china set. Finally, I thought I had everything that I needed for college, everything from the rolling drawers in the "college essentials" section of Target to the posters that I had hanging in my room. Although I could only bring what fit in my car, I stuffed it to the brim as we hauled tons of "cute stuff" 945 miles down to College Station.

Suddenly I realized that even though the room was "comfy" by having so much stuff in it, it felt crowded (hence the beginning of my minimalism attitude). So after a few years, I've figured out what I actually need and don't need in college.

In every dorm room you'll be provided with a bed and a desk and chair, and that's all you need! Now it's time to give it that personal style with only things that serve a purpose and bring you joy.

For your bed:
1. a set of sheets (my personal favorite is 300 count. It's easy to find in college/youth sections of the store and is nice and soft), 2. a comforter, 3. a blanket, 4. pillow, and 5. maybe one or two decorative pillows.

For your desk:
Each of these items depend on what you're studying, how you like to do your work, and other factors. This list accounts for a wide range of people, so you don't have to have all of them, or you might find that you need something else instead.
1. lamp, 2. a pen and pencil, 3. laptop and possibly a mouse, and 4. a small file organizer.

Toiletries and other personal hygiene:
1. a bottle of shampoo, 2. a bottle of conditioner, 3. one bottle/bar of body wash, 4. possibly a can of shaving cream and 5. a razor, 6. a towel, 7. a washcloth, 8. skin products, 9. makeup products, 10. deodorant, 11. hair accessories, 12. a bottle/bar of lotion, 13. any supplements you may take, and finally, (please) don't forget 14. a toothbrush and 15. toothpaste.
These 15 items shouldn't end up busting the zipper on your suitcase, although I guess I can't say exactly how much skin and hair accessories you might have (do I see another purge coming??).

Minimalists should only have a few pieces of decor, if any. A lot of times, the color from your bed and desk are enough to make an empty space a little cozier, but maybe you find extreme motivation in a poster of Wonder Woman (can I blame you?) or you enjoy sketching and painting and you love looking at some of your best work when you sit down at your desk. It's OK. Like I've said before, minimalism is about keeping what has a purpose and brings you joy. It looks different for everyone. Nevertheless, items like these could serve as decoration in your room:
1. a few pictures of friends and family, 2. a small plant that livens up the room and keeps the air clean.

1. a trash can, 2. your favorite leisure books, 3. a water bottle, 4. nail clippers (I forgot those until I realized my nails were considerably longer), 5. laundry detergent and 6. dish soap, if needed.

Example room - simple decor and minimal storage under the bed

That's a total of only 33 items to take with you to college, assuming you are getting a decorative pillow and you do need dish soap.

These are the basics that every college room needs (excluding your clothing, but I didn't think you needed to be reminded to bring that). Of course, there are exceptions. For example, I also keep stationary at my desk because I like to write letters back and forth to people back home. As long as you're not like me and stuff everything you can into your car, then you're doing just fine.

With a peaceful room and good study habits, you're all set for a year of success!

Check out these other posts on the 5 essentials you need to take to class and how to transform your style once you begin college.

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