How Minimal and Bohemian Coincide

Stereotypical minimalism portrays very neutral colors. Search minimal decor and you'll get pictures of white walls, white tile floors, maybe some wood furniture, a neutral painting to tie it all together.

This is one of the things I struggled with when I first began my interest in becoming a minimalist. I loved patterns and colors, but I felt like I had to die it down in order to be a "true minimalist." But as I learned more about what being a minimalist really meant, nowhere did it say that I couldn't be myself.

Stereotypical bohemian is maximal. Little knick-knacks everywhere, plants hanging from every corner, rugs upon rugs with matching-but-not-matching patterns...

As a wannabe minimalist, the picture can be overbearing. But nowhere does it say you have to be a hoarder to have a bohemian style. It's really about having a sense of character that can truly define what bohemian is.

So how do the two connect? You can be minimal while having character. If minimalism is about having what serves a purpose and brings you joy, have those things. For example, you can have a chandelier hanging from the ceiling instead of a basic industrial light.

Here is my room ↑ 
Now, I am living in a furnished apartment, so I've worked with what I have. The walls are a neutral color, so the bed is decorated with a handed-down comforter featuring pinks, blues, and greens, and one decorative pillow. I put up a hanging shelf to feature a book, a picture of Costa Rica when I visited, and a painting that I did myself. The trunk under my bed contains miscellaneous items such as cards and envelopes, out-of-season decorations, or nail polish.

In the window I have a plant and an alarm clock, and on my desk I have a small box with a couple pens and pencils and a stapler, and a globe that my best friend gave me as an inside gift, since we only see each other for a few weeks out of the year. 

Sure, there are a couple excessive things that others wouldn't choose to have, like a globe or a painting, but I've managed to create a peaceful space for myself, nothing overbearing but nothing sterile either. 

Minimalism looks different for everyone, and this is just to show you what it could be if you don't feel comfortable conforming yourself to the stereotypes.

So add a splash of color to your life and start living minimally.

Any questions or suggestions? Like anything you see in the pictures? Comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Good post Bex. My name is Romulo, I am mexican and I love the color too. Thanks for share, greetings from Mexico.
