Life + Simplicity: Giving up Netflix

Good morning, readers!

Here is my first minimalism challenge that I'm going to share with you! Although I am not Catholic, I like the idea of Lent as a way to give something up or add a routine in order to bring yourself closer to God and to focus more on the season ahead - remembrance of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. For those who aren't religious or necessarily Catholic, sometimes it's simply an excuse to try and give something up to better yourself.

For Lent this year, I am going to try and simplify my life by giving up Netflix for forty days. For some, Netflix is a luxury that they can enjoy from time to time or takes place of cable so they can watch specific shows. For me, Netflix takes up too much of my time. I use it as an escape when I'm trying to avoid homework, I go to it whenever I'm bored, and I watch it to take a break from everything. As a result, it ironically adds to my stress and prevents me from doing things that actually make me happy, such a reading a good book, enjoying a sunny day outside, or the satisfaction of having my homework done.

I'll check up with you to keep myself accountable and to show you what it's like to give up Netflix. And if you would like to join me, we can work through it together! If you are giving up something else for Lent, let us know in the comments below so that we can encourage you or find others who may be doing the same thing.

Here's to living simply!

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