But It's On Sale...

For obvious reasons, a big part of living minimally is to stop buying stuff. I know, it's easier said than done. Too many times have I, and everyone around me, passed by something and said, "Oh, that's cute" and automatically put it in the basket. Or the good ol' fashioned, "OMG it's on sale BOGO I'll never have another opportunity like this again so I have to buy it." But there are two things that really sent me over the edge from impulse-buying to loving everything I own:

  1. Only go shopping when you need to. You only go grocery shopping when you need to, so why do it differently with everything else? A lot of times when I was out doing something else, I'd think to myself, I'm going to pass Target on the way home anyway, I could just stop by and see what's there... STOP. Don't do it. First of all because Target is dangerous (same goes for Hobby Lobby and World Market), and second of all you will always feel obligated to buy something once you put your foot in the door. Eliminate the temptation altogether and don't go in the first place. And when you do need to go, go with a game plan - have a list of items you need and know which places you need to go to. That way you'll focus on what you need and not wander around looking for something you might need.
    {Pro tip: if your friend invites you to run an errand with her (or him), make her accountable for your actions. Let her know that you'd love to get out of the house and spend time with her, but that you don't need anything so you don't need to buy anything. Saying it out loud and having that accountability partner makes a huge difference!}
  2. Only buy things that you are in love with. I especially have to keep this in mind when I'm buying clothes. If I look at it and my eyes sparkle with delight, I try it on. If I try it on and it fit on me exactly as I imagined, then I'll buy it. No other time do I buy something because I know that it will sit in my closet more often than not and I'll feel obligated to keep it because I spent good money on it. The same idea goes for anything else - furniture, artwork, candles, etc. Don't fall into the "Sale Trap." Of course my dad was the one who introduced me to this idea years ago - my family and I were out and about when my mom or I were trying to decide on two more tank top colors that we originally weren't going to buy because they were Buy 2 Get 1 Half Off (or something along those lines). We said "We could save $5!" and my dad turned around and said, "Or you can just not buy three and save $15." It seems like such a male-thing to say...and it's true. Unless a store is going out of business, the harsh reality is that sales have to benefit the store somehow or it wouldn't be worth it to them. So you can either settle for something you don't really want and pay the store, or don't buy into it and save yourself some money. 

Now, the best part is when you find exactly what you need already on sale and you love it. That's the universe telling you that it was meant to be.

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