Giving Up Netflix: Day 10

It's been 10 days since I've given up Netflix, and I must say it's both better and worse than I expected.

For starters, I learned just how addicted I was to this glorious invention: my laptop likes to autofill web addresses when I'm going to a frequented page, like Facebook when I type 'f' or eCampus when I type 'e'. A few days ago, I opened my laptop and decided to give into Facebook for a little bit, but my hand subconsciously typed an 'n' and it went straight to Netflix. And I didn't even realize it until Netflix loaded! My roommate witnessed the whole thing and told me I have a serious problem. But that's partly what this challenge is for, right?

Yes, I will admit that I slipped up only once after six days, but in my defense I had just finished two tests and still went to my fluid dynamics class. Not that it should be an excuse, but a...justification☺. Other than that, I've found myself branching out more and thinking of things to do. I've been reading a book, I drove to New Orleans for a weekend to attend the Women's Travel Fest (awesome experience, by the way), and working on new posts for the blog.

The biggest change that I've found is that I'm connecting with more people more often. Whenever I feel like I don't have much going on, instead of turning to my laptop I turn to community. I didn't realize how many people I had begun to lose touch with, or the ones I only saw in class but never spent any time with outside of class. And that has been a rewarding affect.

All that said, I have been bored a lot of times too. Especially on the days when I don't want to do any homework, I find myself pacing the room or going straight to the fridge to eat out of boredom. At the very least, I realize my problems, but now it's time to look for a solution such as putting that energy into working out or cleaning or other productive activities.

Can't wait to see what then next 10 days have in store!

How is your Lent coming along? Let us know in the comments below!

← Giving Up Netflix: Day 1                                                                     Giving Up Netflix: Day 20

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